Immorality and dishonesty are widespread—and spreading. Moral lines that were once clear are now blurred, and every day brings new perceived ambiguities.
To reverse moral decline and restore fundamental morals and values to society, L. Ron Hubbard wrote The Way to Happiness: A Common Sense Guide to Better Living.
This nonreligious moral code can be used by anyone, regardless of race, culture or creed to foster kindness, honesty and the basic skills of living.
Now published in over 110 languages, it has brought calm to communities torn by violence, peace to areas ravaged by civil strife, and self-respect to millions of people in every area of the world.

The symptoms of deepening moral crisis are everywhere. Immorality, dishonesty and crime pervade and degrade our world. Widespread racial intolerance, the destruction of the environment and climbing crime rates all escalate with the decline of basic morals and values.
As just one example of the expanding moral void, consider the fact that international financial losses from fraud now total more than $190 billion annually—a statistic with a steadily worsening trend.
Consider too that in the United States alone there are approximately 1.4 million criminally active gang members. Add to that the fact that religious hostilities and violence in the world nearly doubled between 2007 and 2014, and that 40 million children are subjected to abuse every year—and you get just a glimpse of the increasing moral degradation on Earth today.
The people of a society in such a state of enturbulation can’t even conceive the concept of true spiritual freedom—much less take their first steps.
To reverse moral decline and restore fundamental values, the IAS grants fuel Operation Planetary Calm, centered upon The Way to Happiness. LRH said of this book: “All you have to do is keep that booklet flowing in the society. Like gentle oil spread upon the raging sea, the calm will flow outward and outward.”
Published in over 110 languages, passed from citizen to citizen by the bundle, the world’s first nonreligious moral code has brought calm to communities torn by violence, peace to areas ravaged by civil strife, and self-respect to millions.
Since its first publication in 1981, more than 110 million copies of The Way to Happiness have been circulated around the world. And where they are passed from hand to hand, miracles occur in their wake. As just one example, in 2004, the United Nations described the Colombian conflicts as “the worst humanitarian crisis in the Western Hemisphere,” and so in 2009, a commensurate rollout of The Way to Happiness began. Colombian police have since delivered The Way to Happiness booklets to 20 percent of the population. Crime rates across the nation subsequently dropped by more than 50 percent.

To get this lifesaving material to all Mankind, the IAS grants make possible to provide free information kits and Educator’s Packages to businesses, schools, prisons and branches of military—where educators and officials are often desperate for workable solutions to immorality. The kit describes the campaign and how to implement it in society.
All of this is done with one purpose—to restore morality to Man, thus creating a world of peace and calm in which all have a chance to achieve spiritual freedom.

The way I feel about The Way to Happiness is happy. Because it’s really the way that it should be, but we forgot. It’s principles of respect, principles of love, principles of balance and compassion. And those are principles that are universal. So it’s kind of like a rebirth that can change the way you see yourself, the way you can see what you can attain, who you can be.
I worked for the Department of Justice—in the federal system for thirty years. When we started The Way to Happiness program, we went fifty days in the city of Compton with not one homicide. That’s never occurred in our history. I used to carry a 9 millimeter. Now I carry The Way to Happiness book.
We had a situation where there was a standoff between the police and some young people. And the police started to put on their riot shields. But then we started to use The Way to Happiness. Instantly we saw a change, and the youth actually dispersed.
When I went to prison I was nothing. When I came out of prison I was an international teacher because of The Way to Happiness. I had a chance and I had an opportunity to talk with the senior leaders of organizations, of companies and institutions. They gave me that chance—to listen to me and understand. And I’ve won their hearts through The Way to Happiness. I would like to salute the IAS. If it wasn’t for the IAS, I couldn’t distribute and spread the gospel of The Way to Happiness to more than 250,000 children. I couldn’t have helped more than 10,000 inmates in our correctional institutions in South Africa. Today, I am a human being. Today, I’ve changed my life because of the IAS.
Since implementing The Way to Happiness we have decreased violence in the school by 80 percent over the school year. We have also decreased disrespectful attitudes toward teachers and vulgar language. Kids are now more apt to sit down, calm down, think about what they do and set a good example. It’s a 100 percent improvement.
I taught in the jails and the inmates that I taught were the worst of the worst. They were murderers, they were robbers, there were gang members. And these guys really embraced what they had done. They were receptive. They requested my class. I didn’t go in there with guns. I didn’t go in there with batons. I went in there with The Way to Happiness.
Since implementing The Way to Happiness program last school year, we have documented decreases in the areas of negative behavior, blatant disrespect and aggressive behavior and attitudes. We have documented increases in mutual respect and tolerance for individual differences in others, common concern for others, understanding of the importance of giving and healthy competition.